Posts Tagged ‘election’

An Election Day Prayer

November 8, 2016

Our Father, the one who is enthroned in the heavens, we praise your name and set it high above all others. We honor your name above that of any candidate or any political party. It is you alone who has created us. It is you alone who has breathed life and purpose into us by imparting your Spirit into our hearts. It is to you and you alone that we owe all our allegiance. There is no one beside you and we pledge to put none other above you.
We pray that your kingdom will expand to fill the earth that you have created. We pray that the earth will be as full of your knowledge and glory as the seas are full of water. We pray that your reign will engulf and fill everything that is so that all creation will fulfill its purpose and find its meaning in you. We long earnestly for the day that every knee will bow, both in heaven and on earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus the Messiah is Lord. All this will be to your much-deserved glory.
We pray that your will is done on the earth, just as it is not thwarted in the heavens. Help us to mold our will and bend it to yours so that what you want is what we want in every single circumstance.
Give us exactly what we need to live purposefully for you today. Give us the food that sustains our physical vitality. Give us the resources that help us provide clothing, shelter, and opportunities for our families. We acknowledge, however, that we are not truly sustained by all these things, but by every word that proceeds from you. Nourish our souls into your image so that we display the fruits of your Holy Spirit in our lives, especially in times of uncertainty and hardship. It is not we who take care of ourselves, nor do we trust in any man, any government policy, or any political ideology to advance our welfare. We put ourselves completely in your hands and depend on the strength of your everlasting arms to uphold us.
Please forgive us our sins just as we forgive those who sin against us. We fully acknowledge our brokenness and we are overwhelmed by the grace that you have brought into our lives. We realize that the rest of the world you have created is broken by sin as well. We know that this is not the way that you would have it to be. Help us to be a beacon of light that shines into the fractured darkness. Help us to impart grace and truth of Jesus the Messiah into the lives of those who have wounded us- especially to those who have wounded us deeply.
Father we beg you to rescue us from times of trial! Times of hardship tempt us to rely on ourselves and the things that we can see or possess for our own security instead of relying on you and the unseen power of your Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, we know that you intend to use hardship to be the crucible which strengthens our trust in you so that we may submit further to your will for our lives and allow any last vestiges of our own tiny kingdoms may melt away into yours. May we trust you fully in times of trial; whether the pressure we feel comes from neighbors, government officials, co-workers, employers, teachers, family, or even from fellow disciples of Jesus we entrust our welfare to you.
Deliver us from the evil one! Father he seeks to control the hearts of all our government officials. He also seeks to enslave our neighbors. He seeks even to penetrate your kingdom and turn it into his kingdom. He uses doubt and insecurity to attack us. He tempts us to respond to spiritual problems with worldly solutions. May his work not cloud our judgment and may we respond with wisdom and boldness to his threats. May his tactics and plans be brought to nothing!


Image “Capitol at Dusk” by Martin Falbisoner. Copyright 2013. CC BY-SA 3.0

We can pray this prayer because all Power and Authority resides in Jesus Christ who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! His reign is your reign! All glory belongs to you forever! And this, dear Father, is just exactly the way we want it to be! Make it so!